Blog Post

Common Injuries During a Move and How to Avoid Them

Nov 11, 2022

Perhaps you want to move to a bigger house to accommodate your growing family. Or you recently expanded your market and need a larger office space to keep up with demand. Whatever the reason for your move, moving is an exciting time.


But moving also comes with some hurdles, including injury risks. Discover common injuries when moving, the causes, and how to prevent the injuries.


Back Strain


Since moving involves a lot of bending and lifting heavy items, you are at a high risk of back injuries. The activities exert too much force on your back muscles, disc, and tendons and may cause severe strain.


To reduce your risk of injury, always lift with your legs and not your back. Keep the item close to your body as you lift. You may also leverage equipment such as a dolly to move heavy objects. And limit the items you carry per box.




You may sustain broken toes, fingers, arms, and legs if you don't take the necessary precautions while moving. For instance, you may drop a heavy item on your foot or collide with a piece of furniture while carrying it down the stairs.


Wear protective gear such as gloves and closed shoes when moving items to avoid fractures and other bone injuries. Also, be careful when carrying items down the stairs and communicate with other individuals around to avoid collisions.


Knee Injuries


Knee injuries are high because you constantly squat, bend, and kneel when packing and unpacking items. The constant movement puts pressure on your knees, which may lead to dislocations, sprains, or meniscus tears.


Use appropriate footwear with good arch support and cushioning. Also, take breaks often to reduce the pressure on your knees. When lifting items, use a dolly to minimize the number of times you have to bend down.


Muscle Craps and Strains


Lifting heavy items, carrying them up and down the stairs, and constantly squatting can lead to muscle cramps and strains. In addition, the repetitive motion often overexerts your muscles leading to tears, cramps, or spasms.


You can reduce the risk of developing muscle cramps and strains by warming up before starting to move items. Do light exercises such as jogging in place, jumping jacks, or arm circles. Also, take breaks often to give your muscles a chance to rest. Drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration, which can contribute to muscle cramping.


Cuts and Scrapes


If you are moving items with sharp edges, you are at risk of cuts and scrapes. For instance, you may cut yourself while unpacking a box with a sharp knife or scrape your skin while moving furniture with rough surfaces.


The trick to avoid cuts and scrapes is to wear protective gear such as gloves and long pants. Also, be careful when handling items with sharp edges.


Shoulder Injuries


The repetitive motion of lifting and carrying items can lead to rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement, and bursitis. To avoid shoulder injuries, use proper lifting techniques. For instance, lift with your legs and not your back. Also, keep the item close to your body as you carry it.


Now that you know some common injuries during a move and how to avoid them, you can take the necessary precautions to stay safe. Most importantly, entrust the packing and moving activities to professional movers to reduce the risk of injuries. The experts have the tools and skills to safely move your items without putting you at risk of injuries.


Azalea City Moving Co. is your go-to partner for a safe and seamless move. We have the tools, equipment, and manpower to complete the job quickly and efficiently. Contact us today for an estimate.

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